At its core, GPC is a community. We foster relationships and build connections between different parts of our ecosystem.
Become a Member
GPC welcomes members representing giving platforms, broadly defined as technology-enabled platforms that support charitable giving by connecting donors with nonprofits and social impact projects.
Types of members include, but are not limited to, crowdfunding, nonprofit platforms, donation solutions, corporate giving, giving directories, and grantmakers (DAFs, etc).
While international organizations are welcome, our current member base is primarily located in the US. All organization sizes and funding focus areas are welcome. We expect all GPC members to align with our values.
Participation and access to a community of giving platform organizations and leaders
Thought partnership and collaboration on issues and opportunities facing the sector
Access to resourcing through the Innovation Fund
Invitations to virtual and in-person GPC events and convenings
Confirm a dedicated point of contact for GPC
Complete the GPC member survey (and keep responses up to date)
Alignment with values
Participate in initiatives and projects that are aligned to your organization’s goals and strategy
Provide feedback and ideas to Kelly
The first step is completing our member survey. After you submit, Kelly will be in touch.
Community Directory
Meet the members of GPC by visiting the Community Directory.
Members receive a monthly newsletter with updates and opportunities.
Annual Gathering
Coming Soon!
Collaborative Advocacy
GPC currently hosts monthly coalition calls focused on AB488. Sign up to join the coalition here.